A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This was originally my team's 'backup plan', a simple little game we could throw together if our main project looked like it was taking too long to be ready for the GameDev.tv Game Jam 2022 deadline. It was supposed to be quick and easily tweaked to fit most of the possible themes...

...plans, as they say, rarely survive first contact with the enemy. In this case that enemy was a host of technical problems ranging from our C# compiler not working to one of our computers blue-screening so hard we had to completely wipe it and reinstall everything. The scope and direction of our project changed several times over the course of this 10 day game jam as we were forced to work around issues rather than take the time to troubleshoot them.

Despite the heroic efforts of our team, most of our development time got eaten up with troubleshooting or working on projects that had to be set aside due to unexpected technical hurdles. We actually started out working on a visual novel! In the end, our 'simple little fallback' became not so simple as we were forced to work with unfamiliar tools and relearn everything as we went.

The final results may be buggy and incomplete, but I'm proud of what we accomplished and the skills we learned. I'm also very much looking forward to getting some sleep.


Ghost Conga Game.zip 25 MB
Ghost Conga Source.zip 8.9 MB

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